The self-love revolution

The self-love revolution

  “For many years, I wandered through the desert in search of a narrative that was not mine. I did not feel I belonged here. I was borrowing a landscape until I found my own. But when I stopped searching and settled into the erosional peace of the redrock...

The courage of child’s pose

I was in a yoga class a few weeks ago when the instructor told me how she had been taught by her own instructor that child’s pose, the place of relaxation and rest when the class gets too tough, was the most courageous pose of all. I have known since I...
The power of routine

The power of routine

  Establishing a routine and following it isn’t easy: but it WILL reap major results.I’m 28 and just starting to embrace routine. I’ve been rebellious and reallllly stubborn most of my life, and resisted calendars and schedules because I felt...
5 places to recenter

5 places to recenter

Exploring cacti parks? Amazing and refreshing, for sure. Meditating in the middle of cacti? Not for amateurs. A few weeks ago, my boyfriend was heading to work and couldn’t find me in the house. After ten or fifteen minutes, he walked into our closet to grab his...