It doesn’t have to be this way. Our career absolutely can be a source of fulfillment, pride, and even enjoyment. This change, however, isn’t going to come from our boss or a new job description.
Creating a fulfilling career has to begin with a shift in our mindset – from ‘end goal’ thinking that tells us only money and title goals matter (goals that are only really achievable once or twice a year!) to believing that every opportunity we take to develop ourselves is a goal achieved.
There are so many goals you can set to motivate yourself in the year ahead that don’t require you to leave your company or advocate for a raise. To inspire you to think bigger about your own career goals, and inspired by the incredible wins I have seen my own clients achieve, I’m sharing a list of 15 career focused goals you can set this year that have nothing to do with getting a promotion or raise!
Develop a networking strategy that allows you to build and foster in company and in-industry relationships
Identify the source of your chronic career burnout and resolve it
Gathering sponsors and advocates for an upcoming transition
Being a strong team leader with a system to support your team members
Finding an ideal workflow that lets you actually end your day at a reasonable hour
Re-integrate powerfully after a leave of absence or maternity leave
Create a plan of action to spearhead your first independent project

Hey, I'm
I help smart, ambitious career women go from undervalued in the ‘Pre-Suite’ to confident leading in the C-Suite.
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