Why you don’t need more tools or resources

Why you don’t need more tools or resources

  Over the years, I’ve had a love/hate relationship with tools and resource lists. When I was first starting my business, I was downloading everything that caught my eye, because I was living in a story that I didn’t know enough about being a coach. I...
3 ways to ditch the desire for perfection

3 ways to ditch the desire for perfection

  For many years I, like millions of other young women around the world, was my own harshest critic. I was working long hours in the nonprofit field, juggling high levels of responsibility and workload with a scarcity of time and very little understanding of how...
Alignment: what the hell is it?

Alignment: what the hell is it?

In the world of life coaching and self help, we often talk about living in alignment. That term “alignment” can seem elusive. It refers not to a place or a specific emotion, but to a grey area of experience. It’s a term for the  constantly shifting state of being...
Featured in Darling Magazine!

Featured in Darling Magazine!

I’m so excited that my blog post was featured in Darling Magazine’s blog this week! Darling has been a source of inspiration for me for several years-I love seeing all the incredible things that women around the world are up to. Please take a moment...