Reverse engineering your career

Reverse engineering your career

Your career isn’t something that passively happens to you. Instead, your career should be a relationship that you’re proactively managing, just as you do the other relationships in your life that help you thrive. My favorite tool to help my leadership clients take...
Emotional regulation for leaders

Emotional regulation for leaders

If you’re a leader at work, it’s imperative that you practice emotional regulation. Emotional regulation is simply the ability to control your emotional response to people, circumstances or expectations. We’ve all had leaders or seen leaders who lack this trait...
How to retain your top talent

How to retain your top talent

Retention of top talent might seem like a problem for HR departments only – until you lose a pivotal member of your team. Losing top talent impacts team morale, systems, and results, and creates frustration at the sudden gap in team knowledge. It can also be...
3 ways to motivate others

3 ways to motivate others

Burnout has become somewhat of a chronic condition in the workplace these days. While not healthy, it’s not something that we have to settle for as leaders or as employees. When you’re up against a major project or deadline and your team is lacking motivation, try...
How to identify your professional values

How to identify your professional values

Typically when I ask a new leader what their professional values are, I get either a blank stare or a sheepish shrug. We’re used to thinking about our beliefs and values in our personal lives, but in the workplace? That’s not something we often have the time or space...
Personal branding 101 for women leaders

Personal branding 101 for women leaders

What is personal branding?If you’re in the management space or considering becoming a manager, you’ve likely heard a few vague terms thrown around like synergy, vision, and personal branding. Today, I want to dig into the latter and help you understand the basics of...
A peek inside Powerhouse

A peek inside Powerhouse

What does it look like to spend an entire day working on your leadership development with a trained coach? So glad you asked! I wanted to take a moment to break down what happens during a Powerhouse coaching day, why I do things in this truly innovative way—and what...