
It’s no secret that the weird state of our world has left most of us feeling nervous, anxious, or a strange combination of both, especially as it relates to our careers, job security, and salary overall.

Because it can be all too easy to fall into a cycle of scarcity, allowing fear to dictate our emotions and responses, I want to help shift you from a state of fear, and into a mindset of abundance — even in today’s weird economy. This shift will help you feel better, and helps to set the tone for people around you. You’ll lead through your resilience.

When you’re craving tangible how-tos for returning to a place of true abundance, give one (if not all) of the following tips a try. They’re the ones I turn to when I want to feel rich and capable, regardless of what’s happening in the news:

  1. Buy a friend a coffee — I often get the most heart-filled texts from friends after they receive sneaky, little transactions in their Venmo accounts for a coffee on me. I don’t say this to position myself as a savior, only to encourage you to believe in the power of gifting to others. Even when you don’t feel like the most abundant version of yourself, you’d be surprised at how such a small act of kindness can change both you and the recipient’s outlook.

  2. Make a small investment you’ve wanted — Buy yourself something small and “unnecessary” you’ve seen as part of your future rich, “I’ve-made-it” life. If you need some ideas for where to start, think: fresh flowers, a cozy robe, or that massage you’ve been craving.

  3. Write yourself a “thank you” note for everything you’ve been able to provide yourself thus far — I’m a big believer in the power of writing things down. Try taking pen to paper and writing yourself a note of gratitude for all that you’ve been able to give yourself, even in the midst of a global pandemic.

  4. Take a day off for no reason – Living in a state of scarcity can mean that we push ourselves to our limits, especially when the future is unclear. If you really want to stick it to your fears, take a day off for no reason. Do the things and see the people you love — read that book that’s been collecting dust on your nightstand, cook a meal you can’t wait to devour (and don’t worry about it’s nutritional value for once). Hey! Maybe even try practicing more tips on this list.

  5. Send a letter or note — In the digital age, it seems that we may have lost touch with the art of crafting a letter. When you communicate in this way, a whole new world of emotion and opportunity opens up. Bonus: focusing on our fruitful, supportive relationships helps us appreciate the wealth of love in our life. Try penning your friend or loved one a note and see how your mood lifts and your situation shifts.

  6. Reflect back on your highlight reel in life up until now — I.e. remind yourself of the Instagram-worthy moments in your life so far. The truth is, that when you’re not in a state of fear or scarcity, life is incredibly full with so many memories to cherish and reminisce upon. Think about all the incredible things you’ve already experienced and accomplished – you’re pretty impressive.

  7. Live in your abundant future for 15 minutes — This is one of my favorites. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and start to embody your highest, most abundant self. Where are you at? What are you wearing? How do you feel? Your abundant future may not be visible right now in your current circumstances, but it’s always available in your mind!

  8. Become a recurring donor to an organization like The Loveland Foundation — Allow this world to use you as a vessel for good, regardless of the way your external situation may be making you feel. Many people think philanthropy has to wait until they have thousands of dollars to share, but the truth is that recurring donors (even when they’re as small as five or ten dollars a month) are the lifeblood of organizations doing important work. You will immediately feel tapped into gratitude and value.

At the end of the day, there are boundless ways to shift our mindset into one of true abundance. I’d love to know how you get to this place and if these tips were helpful for you. Follow along and tag me on Instagram to share how you’re staying strong and feeling rich in 2020.