How do you define confidence?

  I see this hold back so many women from being confident about themselves and sharing their skills with the world – and I don’t want that for you! You do NOT have to be an expert to be confident, all you need are a few tools. Spoiler alert: you...
How to discover your purpose and pursue it

How to discover your purpose and pursue it

This weekend, I had my aura photographed for the second time. What came back scared me at first, and eventually made me laugh. My entire aura was red – and I thought I looked like a Disney villain.     The interpretation helped me to understand the...
Why you don’t need more tools or resources

Why you don’t need more tools or resources

  Over the years, I’ve had a love/hate relationship with tools and resource lists. When I was first starting my business, I was downloading everything that caught my eye, because I was living in a story that I didn’t know enough about being a coach. I...
Why money mindset matters for women

Why money mindset matters for women

  What’s your money story?Wondering wtf I’m talking about? Money is a big deal, ladies. And we don’t talk about it nearly enough! I’m passionate about making the conversation about money not just approachable, but soulful – because...