3 ways to ditch the desire for perfection

3 ways to ditch the desire for perfection

  For many years I, like millions of other young women around the world, was my own harshest critic. I was working long hours in the nonprofit field, juggling high levels of responsibility and workload with a scarcity of time and very little understanding of how...
The self-love revolution

The self-love revolution

  “For many years, I wandered through the desert in search of a narrative that was not mine. I did not feel I belonged here. I was borrowing a landscape until I found my own. But when I stopped searching and settled into the erosional peace of the redrock...
The “shoulds” make you boring.

The “shoulds” make you boring.

  The biggest question looming over 20 somethings these days (and always) seems to be frustratingly unanswerable: what should I do with my life? We look in books, podcasts, to our mentors, our parents, workshops…all in the hopes that what we...
How to stop playing it safe

How to stop playing it safe

  Would you consider yourself someone who plays it safe?Do you regularly tell yourself that you can’t do something because it’s not for you? That “someday” you’ll be comfortable enough to invest in yourself and your development? That...
Make 2017 your most badass year ever

Make 2017 your most badass year ever

We’re wrapping up 2016 and about to embark on a once in a lifetime adventure together: 2017. Think about that: you get just one chance to making the most out of this year, and as of this moment it’s an entirely blank slate. It’s both liberating...