8 Ways to Recharge (No Netflix Allowed!)

8 Ways to Recharge (No Netflix Allowed!)

It’s time to talk about one of my favorite leadership development activities: rest. Yep, you read that right! Burnout is a major issue for those in leadership, and even more so for women. In fact, a 2013 survey by Gallup found that 93% of senior leaders surveyed...
An Ode to the Work Wife

An Ode to the Work Wife

You have a lot of important relationships in your life. There’s your partner, your parents, your close friends, your friends you see once in a blue moon, but when you do it’s like no time has passed at all, your dog…you get the picture. But, there’s one relationship...
8 Ways to Feel Abundant in a Weird Economy

8 Ways to Feel Abundant in a Weird Economy

It’s no secret that the weird state of our world has left most of us feeling nervous, anxious, or a strange combination of both, especially as it relates to our careers, job security, and salary overall. Because it can be all too easy to fall into a cycle of scarcity,...
Why You Hate Your Job

Why You Hate Your Job

If you clicked into today’s post and are quizzically thinking to yourself, “But how does she know?!”, it’s because you’re not alone. Trust me, I’m well-versed in the concept and not solely because I coach women in leadership. Believe it or not, hating your job — or...
A Pizza Order That May Just Change Your Life

A Pizza Order That May Just Change Your Life

Photo by: Sarah Bah Bah So…I have a confession to make. Today’s lil’ note is much more about changing your life (and a little on why I think we may be addicted to manifestation gurus) than it is about pizza, but who doesn’t want a big ol’ bite out of a...